A statement from Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Official Opposition, regarding the recent Conservative attack ad campaign. à
Email from Rocco Rossi :
Following a week of bad news for Stephen Harper's Conservatives, today it gets even worse. His one hope to divert attention away from his government's incompetence. the personal attack ads against Michael Ignatieff can be completely neutralized. We need your help to do it, it doesn't take much effort and it won't cost you a penny.
An independent Angus Reid study published today finds that Stephen Harper's strategy is backfiring and that Michael's honest and personal response to the attacks resonates strongly with Canadians. Stephen Harper is spending an estimated $750 000 dollars a week on this campaign, but you can help beat it with nothing more than a few clicks of your mouse.
Watch Michael's response to the attack ads and share it with your friends
Watch Michael's response to the attack ads
Let's take this message Canada wide. Forward it to everyone you know and show Stephen Harper that Canadians won't be distracted from the real story, the economy, and are ready for a new kind of politics.
Rocco Rossi
National Director, Liberal Party of Canada
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