Dear Pierre,
You and I have an opportunity to put Canada back on the right path. It's a big task but we Liberals have a great track record of accomplishing remarkable things, and the job is made easier with each new pair of hands.
The first step is to have as many Liberals as possible ready to fight for their vision of Canada in the next election. Let's start by doubling our current membership one new member at a time.
Each of us knows at least one person who shares our Liberal values, but may not yet be a member of our Party. Please ask them to join us in the work we have ahead of us.
If someone you refer joins the party on-line before Canada Day, your riding or theirs or both could become special stops being planned as part of my summer tour visits that would include opportunities for us to sit down together in a private meeting to discuss your ideas for the future of our party and our country.
The Liberal Party of Canada is more than just a collection of individuals with Liberal values. Our members are part of a proud tradition of public service that reaches beyond our differences towards what unites us. Together, we are moving toward a new kind of politics, where all Canadians can play a part in shaping our future.
Help me build this movement and lead our party and our country. Visit the new membership section of the Liberal website and use the built-in referral tool to invite a new member today.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Ignatieff
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